Search by Part Number:
Enter entire part number or partial part number without dashes. If partial part number is entered, then it will display
all products starting with matching string.
Search by UPC:
Enter entire bar code (upc) or partial. Search will display all products starting with matching string.
Search by Price Range:
Enter the start price alone or start price and end price and all procducts between (inclusive) the price range will be reported.
If only start price is entered, then the end price will be set to start price.
If only the end price is entered, then the start price will be set to end price.
Search by Product Title:
Enter up to three words to lookup product names. Search will display all matching search words regardless of sequence.
For example if you enter “8” then “black” then “dildo”; it will display:
8 inch black dildo
dildo black 8″
black dildo 8 inches